Message from The President October 2014

Dear Members

A warm hello to you all.  

By the time your read this edition of our Newsletter, we, your Executive Committee, will be in Belfast.  We are excited to be visiting Waterfront Hall - the venue for our next Annual Meeting - and to be spending some time with the Organising Committee who will be working with us to arrange the meeting.  We also have a packed two day agenda, and will be discussing everything from our website, to our colleagues in the Simulation World, to requests for collaborations, and much, much more.  In our next newsletter, we will feed back to you all on our discussions.

I have recently been talking to some of you, and know that the new newsletter format is taking some time to get used to, but we would ask that you do persevere - click on the links in the high level text, and they will take you through to various areas of our website, a constant work in progress.

Whilst you're on the website, please take a moment to look around and tell us:

  • if there are any areas you would like us to expand on;
  • if you would like to submit some of your photography for inclusion in the site;
  • or if you simply want to comment or feedback.

As always, we very much look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards

Ralf on behalf of The SESAM Executive Committee