Centre Lyonnais d'Enseignement par la Simulation en Santé (CLESS)

Reference: SIM-00041


No of courses available: 30

The CLESS is part of the SAMSEI Project (Stratégies d’Apprentissage des Métiers de Santé en Environnement Immersif – Learning Strategies for Healthcare Professions in an Immersive Environment), initiated by the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

It considers the orientations of the French National Programme for Patients’ Safety (DGOS 2013), that recommends to « make all forms of simulation a primary method, as regards initial or ongoing training, in order to improve security ». The CLESS acts in conformity with the « Best practices guidelines in the field of healthcare simulation » published by the High Authority for Health (HAS 2012).

The CLESS aims to significantly improve training in the healthcare sector by participating in initial and continuous training. Its ambition is to initiate new interdisciplinary and interprofessional synergies and to develop research in simulation. Objectives related to anesthesia and critical care, pediatrics, emergency medicine, surgery and complex communication situations met by professionals of those disciplines are particularly considered.

CLESS instructors are professionals from the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, the Val de Grâce Army Medical School, and the University Hospital (Hospices Civils de Lyon), as well as external partners from multiple French university hospitals. All of them have carried out a specific training in simulation or have a recognized experience.

The CLESS organises and delivers the University Diploma FoSEI (Formation en Simulation et en Environnement Immersif-Simulation-Training in an Immersive Environment), the aim of which is to train the instructors in simulation and immersive teaching. The CEFOS (Centre de Formation Opérationnelle Santé – Army Operational Training Centre), under the supervision of the Val de Grâce Army School participates in the courses and brings its own experience.

The CLESS is a teaching platform along with a research facility with multiple connections (Faculty of Medicine of Lyon, Anaesthesia Nursing School, Army Healthcare Service, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, University Hospital Lyon).

Email : cless@univ-lyon1.fr