Karadeniz Technical University Medical Education and Training Simulation Center
Reference: KTÜ-MEDSİ
No of courses available: 10
Karadeniz Technical University Medical Education and Training Simülation Center’s aim is to provide basic and advanced simulation-based training to maximize the quality of healthcare service. Our centre, which has a modern and technologically strong infrastructure, has a secretariat, cafeteria, men's and women's dressing room, meeting room, standardized patient preparation room, clinical skills laboratory, general surgery room, briefing and debriefing rooms and trainer rooms. In addition, there are an emergency unit, pediatric emergency unit, delivery unit, intensive care unit, and newborn unit with control rooms. There are medical gas systems in the form of oxygen, air and vacuum in each unit. A comprehensive recording is provided with 3 digital cameras and 1 microphone for each unit. In the control rooms, there is a single-sided glass and headphones that allow the instructors to monitor and listen to the units.
In simulation-based training, the simulation can be video-recorded so instant feedback can be given to the participants during the debriefing sessions. The centre has its unique computer hardware and software. Thanks to this infrastructure, simulation videos can be recorded and archived.
In the clinical skills laboratory, task trainers are used especially in the pre-graduation medical and nursing education to improve clinical skills.
In the pediatric emergency unit, we have a high-fidelity mannequin that allows us to simulate a 5-7-year-old child patient, which can be monitored, defiable, allow advanced airway access, and can also make various facial expressions like crying and talking.
In the delivery unit, we have a high-fidelity gynaecology manikin that can be monitored and deformable, allowing simulation of cesarean delivery, normal delivery, hemorrhagic delivery, breech delivery and various difficult birth scenarios.
We have a high-fidelity newborn in the newborn unit, which can be monitored, debilitated, performed physical examinations of newborns, and performed newborn resuscitation applications.
We have a high-fidelity simulation manikin that allows us to simulate an adult patient in the emergency unit, that can be monitored, debilitated, provided advanced airway access, simulated pathological sounds, spoken when necessary, and has many different advanced features.
Our mission in our simulation centre, which is a regional centre at home and abroad; students before graduation to simulate the symptoms, illnesses and crises that they will encounter in their professional life in realistic environments, to raise the cognitive and psychomotor skills of the students to the highest level with experimental and problem-centred training, to create a teamwork awareness by creating multidisciplinary working environments. In the post-graduation period; to raise awareness about improving the professional knowledge and skills of the participants, standardize the approach to emergency patients, minimize the risk of occupational malpractice, and develop communication skills and teamwork awareness by creating multidisciplinary working environments.