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Simulation Centre Networking Project

We are inviting all Simulation Centres throughout Europe, both large and small to present their centre and the courses run for inclusion in a Simulation Centre Network.  This is accessible to everyone via our website and we believe will provide:

  • better communication with Simulation enthusiasts.
  • information sharing between Simulation Centres.
  • an updated list of Simulation Centres in Europe.

To make and application please click here

 If you have any questions please contact

Medical Simulation Center (CSM), Poznan University of Medical Sciences

Poznań, Poland

Our Simulation Centre leads courses for Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Faculty and Faculty of Health Sciences.

Medical Simulation Center in Lodz

Łódź, Polska

Medical Simulation Center was built in 2017 thanks to European Union founding. Whole project started in 2016 with documents preparation, construction project and intensive employee training.

Medical Simulation Center Medical University, im. Karol Marcinkowski in Poznan

Medical Simulation Center Medical University, im. Karol Marcinkowski in Poznan. Established in 2010.